How to keep text legible on a photo

Various projects will require you to add text on top of a photo. Although it is easy enough to add some text on a very wide and light sky, sometimes, the photo is busy, and there isn’t any wide space to add legible text. What to do?

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Useful resource – The PluginBridge

PaintShop Pro 2023 came with various new tools and features, but it also came with bad news if you are using lots of old plugins. It no longer comes with a 32-bit version, so many of those older plugins won’t be available for you in PaintShop Pro 2023. But there

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Photoshop resources for PaintShop Pro users

Browsing online, you will surely find more resources for Photoshop than for PaintShop Pro. That is a fact, however, did you know that Paintshop Pro users can sneak up on many of those Photoshop goodies? Let’s see what PaintShop Pro users are NOT missing.

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Helpful site for Paintshop Pro users

If you landed on this site, you are probably looking for some PaintShop Pro tutorials or information. This is exactly what this site will be about, but as you can see, its construction is still just at the foundation level. Make sure you bookmark this site and you can come

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Getting PaintShop Pro Up and Running on Your Mac

Photographers, graphic artists and other creative-types have long been fans of the Mac, but what do you do when your favorite software is only available on Windows? The Corel Photo team has been hearing some online chatter about a desire to see PaintShop Pro make its way to the Mac,

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For Photos That Matter