Which files to export in PaintShop Pro?

PaintShop Pro includes several functions to export various files and content so they will be used inside specific tools of the program. This export command will convert files from something generic, into a program-specific file format. How do you know when you need to export a file and when you

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Adding plugins to PaintShop Pro

If you are using PaintShop Pro, you know about the power of the various tools and commands that are native to the program. However, some external plugins have allowed users to add even more effects. Adding plugins can be simple, but can also bring in some challenges. Lyn Lou, an

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Using Overlays in PaintShop Pro

Among the various supplies that one can use with PaintShop Pro, overlays are not native or specific to the program. You will not find a tool or a command to use overlays, so you will just have to use them “on their own”.

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Importing Photoshop gradients in PaintShop Pro

You might already know that PaintShop Pro allows its users to use or import several resources made for Photoshop. PaintShop Pro can open .psd files, and since version X5, it can import .abr brush files. In addition, Photoshop preset shapes can also be converted with a script. But did you

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Text Wrapping in PaintShop Pro

Users have asked for the text-wrapping feature for many years and finally, in version X7, Corel added it to the program. This long-awaited feature was incredibly useful for scrapbookers who could now add text in odd-shaped areas. Graphic designers can also wrap text around subjects in their photos. Let’s see

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How to select text to edit in PaintShop Pro

When working with text in PaintShop Pro, you are likely to need to go back to it, to edit the spelling, to add more text, to change some attributes, etc. But how do you get that cursor to appear or the text to get highlighted? Let’s have a look at

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How to install fonts to use in PaintShop Pro

Typically, you might not want to install every single “cool” font you find. In doing so they will be available in any other program, including text editors like Word, which might not be what you want. You may only want to use them with a graphics program like PaintShop Pro.

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4 Tips to use the Clone Tool in PaintShop Pro

The Clone tool has been part of Paintshop Pro for many many versions (I remember using it with version 7) and it has various uses: you can hide some parts or you can add others. Let’s have a look at a few tips to use the Clone tool.

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How to swap heads in PaintShop Pro

PaintShop Pro can help you “swap heads” if you have multiple pictures of the same group or individual. This is helpful if someone is making a funny face, has their eyes closed, or is in an odd position.

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Using the Vector Tube script in PaintShop Pro

In PaintShop Pro, you can place text along a vector path for some very creative effects. Did you know you can do that with picture tubes too? You can do this quickly and easily, without having to move elements one by one and measure the spacing every time; you can

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How to add glowing light with PaintShop Pro

You might have some evening photos and you wish the lights were on to give a glow to the overall image. Maybe you took the picture just a bit too early in the day for the lights to be on or someone just didn’t turn them on. Nevertheless, you can

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Drawing straight lines in PaintShop Pro

If you were to draw on paper, you would have the option to use a ruler to draw straight lines. That is not the case when you use a graphic program. However, when you are working with PaintShop Pro, there is a simple way to draw those straight lines you

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The Flood Fill tool in PaintShop Pro

The Flood Fill tool is one of those tools that you will be using on so many projects that it will become second nature. Although it is a simple tool, and usually intuitive to use, it does have various settings that can make it even more powerful or turn into

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Using fonts with extra glyphs in PaintShop Pro

Are you the kind of person who loves to collect fonts whenever something nice is available, just in case you might want to use it later? If so, you might have noticed that all fonts are not the same format. In fact, they come in two main types: True Type

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Picture frames in PaintShop Pro

Using Picture Frames in Corel PaintShop Pro

If you like to have a finishing touch to your photos or projects, you might like to add a picture frame. Of course, you can find some online, but PaintShop Pro has some, already integrated into the program, for you to use. And even better, you can build your own

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For Photos That Matter